CERN Accelerating science

Video Lectures

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Exactly solvable irrelevant deformations and holography beyond AdS/CFT / Guica, Monica (speaker)
It is believed that gravity is holographic, namely that the gravitational dynamics in a given spacetime (region) can be encoded by a non-gravitational theory living on the boundary of that region. The AdS/CFT correspondence is an extremely successful concrete realization of the holographic idea; however, generalizing the holographic dictionary beyond AdS/CFT has proven to be difficult. [...]
2024 - 4133. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Exactly solvable irrelevant deformations and holography beyond AdS/CFT

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High-precision measurement of the W boson mass at CMS / Bendavid, Josh (speaker) (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
The W boson mass is measured using proton-proton collision data at corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 16.8 inverse fb recorded during 2016 by the CMS experiment. The W boson mass is obtained from a fit of the two-dimensional pT-η distribution in a sample of W→μν decays, categorized by charge, yielding one of the most precise measurements of the W mass to date. Refreshments will be served at 10:30
2024 - Streaming video. LHC Seminar External link: Event details In : High-precision measurement of the W boson mass at CMS

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The Copernican Revolution, and how it almost became unnoticed and forgotten / Roszkowski, Leszek (speaker) (Astrocent at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences and National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)
​The Copernican Revolution — the heliocentric model of the Universe introduced by Nicolaus Copernicus — is considered as one of the most significant achievements in the history of science. And yet, it luckily happened despite many obstacles and even then it could have become unnoticed and forgotten [...]
2024 - 4406. CERN Colloquium External link: Event details In : The Copernican Revolution, and how it almost became unnoticed and forgotten

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Update on reheating after inflation and its gravitational wave probes / Laine, Mikko Sakari (speaker) (Universitaet Bern (CH))
The reheating stage remains a strongly model-dependent and theoretically poorly understood part of the inflationary paradigm. However, the possibility that it could one day be tested via its gravitational wave signatures, and that it may also be related to other relicts such as dark matter or baryon asymmetry, continues to motivate studies with many models and methods. [...]
2024 - 4129. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Update on reheating after inflation and its gravitational wave probes

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How to treat brain tumours with radioactive isotopes - the application of 225Ac in targeted alpha therapy / Merlo, Adrian (speaker)
2024 - 5036. Training Events; How to treat brain tumours with radioactive isotopes - the application of 225Ac in targeted alpha therapy External links: Talk details; Event details In : How to treat brain tumours with radioactive isotopes - the application of 225Ac in targeted alpha therapy

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Symbolica tutorial / Ruijl, Ben (speaker) (Ruijl Research)
2024 - 5564. QCD Journal Club External link: Event details In : Symbolica tutorial

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Lecture 4 / Del Debbio, Luigi (speaker) (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
2024 - 5899. Conferences, Workshops & Schools; School on Continuum Foundations of Lattice Gauge Theories External links: Talk details; Event details In : School on Continuum Foundations of Lattice Gauge Theories

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Lecture 2 / Del Debbio, Luigi (speaker) (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
2024 - 4391. Conferences, Workshops & Schools; School on Continuum Foundations of Lattice Gauge Theories External links: Talk details; Event details In : School on Continuum Foundations of Lattice Gauge Theories

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Scattering Amplitudes: from Collider Physics to Geometry / Tancredi, Lorenzo (speaker) (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))
In this talk I will review, in an introductory manner, the latest developments in the theory of scattering amplitudes and their connection to the geometrical properties of special classes of complex varieties. I will also discuss explicit examples of correlators and scattering amplitudes which can be related to elliptic geometries and beyond. [...]
2024 - Streaming video. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Scattering Amplitudes: from Collider Physics to Geometry

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Studies of the power consumption for LHCb HLT1 / Svintozelskyi, Volodymyr (speaker) (CERN)
The LHCb collaboration is currently using a pioneer data filtering system in the trigger system, based on real-time particle reconstruction in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). This corresponds to processing 5 TB/s of information and has required a huge amount of hardware and software development. [...]
2024 - 805. CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)

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